Our Services...

Gardner & Associates Firm, LLC provides our clients with four service categories to support their Business needs...
- Human Resources Support
- Business Consulting
- Marketing Designs
- Notary Services
Human Resources Support is an all-in-one, comprehensive HR consulting and support solution which includes support for hiring, termination, job descriptions, Virtual Assistance, administration, HR management, and assistance with employer compliance.
Creation of Employee Handbooks, policies & producers, Verification documents and more.
With Gardner & Associates Firm, LLC as your strategic HR partner, you can focus on developing your business, services and employees, while we handle Human Resources Department.
Human Resources Support
Business Consulting
Whether you’re experiencing challenges with starting a new business, or need a new business strategy to reflect your envisioned future goals for you existing business, we’re here to support.
Our business consultants can help you adapt to today’s market dynamics and continue to compete no matter the threats you might be facing. Tools to enable optimal remote work can help minimize or prevent disruption in your operations.
Our business consultants are experienced leaders and practitioners who are customer-focused, are delivery-excellence driven, and can navigate and manage complex projects, working effectively across diverse business and technology organizations.
We place a heavy focus on enabling and sustaining change, as well as establishing platforms for continuous improvement. To do so, we seamlessly integrate our business consulting, technology and industry practices to help companies thrive.
With Gardner & Associates Firm, LLC as your Business Consultant partner, you can will reach your goals and
develop more structure and professionalism in your business.
Marketing Designs
Everything has converted to the digital word now. So, here at Gardner & Associates Firm, LLC we provide this service to be sure your business has it's own spotlight to shine.
We offer 3 Marketing Designs... (Logo Designs, Flyer Designs, and Business cards)
A logo becomes timeless when it uniquely identifies your brand from your competitors. If it gives a view of the business you are into in just one glance; then it's a great logo!
Every business is different, and so are the marketing needs. However a Flyer Design to showcase your products and/or services are ideal for campaign marketing, Facebook stories/groups, Text Messages etc.
Instead of selling your services and products on social media only. Partner with us to create a unique website that provides all the details for your clients/customers needs to purchase your products/services.
Word of mouth is the BEST free advisement that is available. Adding a Business card to the conversation when you are out and marketing, just makes this connection so much more powerful and shows your business is real and professional. If someone asks for a card and you can't produce you'll look amateurish and unprepared to do business.
Mobile Notary
Convenient, 24-hour access to a mobile notary at your location for any kind of legal or financial document, including Power of Attorneys, Living Wills, Trusts, Health Care Directives, Immigration documents Vehicle Titles, Affidavits, Divorce or Separation agreements, and more.
Real Estate Documents
Loan signing and remote closing services for residential or commercial Real Estate transactions, including FSBO, Refinance, HELOC, Modification, Reverse Mortgage, and more. Signing Agent services for Realtors, Attorneys, and Title Companies available. We'll print, scan, ship and/or deliver the original documents for you.
Custom Assignments
Whether you or your clients need a custom job like witnessing the signing of a financial document, verifying your identity for remote court proceedings, or filing or recording a document with the Clerk of Court or Register of Deeds, we can provide the right professional to assist.
Public Notary Services

Public Mobile Notary - Mentorship Program
Our program will show you how to start your own Notary Business and How to Make $2,000 a Month (or More) as a Mobile Notary and Loan Signing Agent.
Flexible Schedule | Unlimited Income | Legitimate Business
Partner with us today if you are interested in starting your Notary Business